The adolescent and teenage years are difficult. The combination of peer and societal pressures, plus the tumultuous life transitions that accompany these years (hormonal, physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and sexual), can make life very challenging during this time. These difficulties often don’t ease and frequently increase as teenagers enter college and early adulthood. The pressures can feel overwhelming and often lead to serious and occasionally dangerous mental health problems, such as:
Behavioral problems
Substance use
School problems
Eating disorders
Research has demonstrated that most mental health disorders are developmental in nature and typically start early in life. Many people who suffer from mental health difficulties showed signs before they were 24 years old. This is true for conditions that are well known to have onset in childhood, such as autism and ADHD, but also for mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders. Early intervention is essential.
It is important to understand that adolescents, teenagers, and young adults may experience symptoms that are hard to identify and different from adults. For example, adults that experience depression are frequently withdrawn and quiet—depression in adolescents, teenagers, and young adults is often obscured through a veil of frequent expressions of anger and/or drug use. Directly below is a list of red flags that may indicate an established or budding mental health disorder.
Frequent anger
Changes in sleep patterns
Using alcohol or other drugs
Low energy
Difficulty controlling emotions
Changes in eating patterns
Excessive moodiness
Unexpected crying
Thoughts of suicide
Although all mental health problems are serious, depression, eating disorders, and drug abuse are the most serious and dangerous. If your child is experiencing any symptoms related to these problems, it is important that they get evaluated and treated by a mental health professional as soon as possible.
Mental health problems and disorders can be scary, but can be treated. The most important aspect is not delaying and finding a mental health professional that is the right fit for your child.
Adolescents, teenagers, and young adults are often nervous, hesitant, or extremely resistant—
We at Arvon & Associates understand this difficulty and have had success with many young clients who were initially extremely unwilling to talk with a therapist and engage in the therapeutic process.We pride ourselves in being able to provide a therapist who is the right fit and is able to quickly gain both your child and your trust.Call us NOW, get results……. 305-936-8000
Eating Disorder Eating disorders are severe and persistent disturbances of eating and eating behaviors. According to The National Association of Anorexia and Associated Disorders (ANAD), an estimated 30 million people in the United States suffer from an eating disorder. It spares no gender, age, SES, religion, or race. Eating disorders also have the highest mortality rate among any mental illness (National Institute of Mental Health ). Although the basis of an eating disorder is usually not about food, it manifests as a person’s life feeling consumed by behaviors such as calorie counting, monitoring numbers on a scale, body checking, excessive exercise, or planning the next binge/purge episode. Dropping out from essential areas of life and becoming isolated from loved ones may feel reminiscent of an addiction or a toxic relationship. Still, for many, this is also a descriptor of what it may feel like to struggle with an eating disorder. Due to the complex nature of eating ...
Stress & Worry Arvon and Associate’s experts specialize in helping individuals with managing the overwhelming aspects of stress. Contact us to manage stress effectively especially when: Stress (and the effects of stress) dominate your life. Stress is affecting your physical health. You are using unhealthy coping methods to deal with stress. You are experiencing angry outbursts that are affecting those around you. If your stress is interfering with your capacity to be happy and lead an emotionally rewarding life, then it may be time to seek professional help. This is especially true if it is persistent. You may also want to talk to your doctor or a counselor if your stress is causing you to experience physical symptoms or worsening of a chronic medical condition. Finally, seek professional help if you find yourself “treating” your stress by misuse or abuse of alcohol or drugs , or by engaging in other unhealthy behaviors. Our strategies and techniq...
Life & Success Coaching In what areas can a coach help me? Online Counseling Aventura, FL Most Common Areas Career Self-esteem / Self-confidence Relationships Business Management Work-Life Balance Health Spirituality Problems at work Getting motivated Finding your purpose Dating Organizational Skills Sex Finances and money And many others…
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