3 Things People Worry About During The Holidays & How To Overcome Them
3 Things People Worry About During The Holidays & How To Overcome Them Eat, drink, and be merry—that’s what we’re supposed to do over the holidays. And we’re usually awfully good (unfortunately) with the eating and drinking. It’s the “merry” we struggle with. Instead of good cheer, we’re often worrying about everything from “to do” lists to expanding bellies, the result of all those holiday buffets. Here are three key holiday worries and how to overcome them. Our guests at the Pritikin Longevity Center have used them to help keep mind, body, and waistline in tip-top shape all the way through January 1. Worry # 1: “I’m going to gain a lot of weight over the holidays.” What to do: During the holidays, and throughout the year, practice mindful eating. In the hubbub of holiday shopping and other frenzied activity, it’s easy to fall into the habit of grabbing food and inhaling it while getting other things done. Oh, what a mistake that is! Because we aren’t paying attention, the calori...